Presentations, Conferences & Posters

29.Harmonizing the human-hydrological system of the Tagus headwaters under climate change A. Lobanova, S. Liersch, J.D. Tàbara, P. Diaz, H. Koch, F. F. Hattermann, V. Krysanova, 2017. (European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria. 23-28 April 2017)
28.Transformative modelling to address High-End Climate Change. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs) Tàbara J.D., Mallampalli V., Mangalagiu D., Grasso M., Jäger. J., Roventini A., Borsuk M., Lamperti F. & Lempert R, 2016. (8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Toulouse, France, 10-14 July)
27.Explorando escenarios climáticos más allá de los dos grados en Iberia. El caso de la cuenca del Tajo Tabara J.D., A. Lovanova, P. Diaz, 2016. (Universitat de Girona. 22 Septembre 2016)
26.Cultural Boundaries to Global Sustainability. A Social-ecological learning perspective J. D Tàbara, 2016. (Stockholm Resilience Centre, Univ. Stockholm. 3 Septembre 2016)
25.Knowledge for Transformation? Using, framing and communicating transformative climate knowledge in Spain in the face of High-End Climate Change (HECC). J. D. Tàbara, Cots F., Lera St. Clair A., 2016. (Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Adaptation Futures Conference. 10-13 May 2016)
24.Keeping an equilibrium: harmonizing environmental and socio-economic water demands in the Tagus River headwaters under climatic change. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs) Lobanova A., S. Liersch, J. D. Tàbara, Koch H., Krysanova V., Hattermann F., 2016. (8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Toulouse, France, 10-14 July 2016.)
23.Exploring socio-hydrological dynamics with a hybrid hydrological agent-based model. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs) Lobanova A., Lamperti F., Roventini A., Tàbara J. D., Liersch S., V. Krysanova, 2016. (8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Toulouse, France, 10-14 July 2016)
22. Transformative solutions to High-End Climate Change. Tàbara J.D., J. Jäger, P. & Holman Harrison, 2015. (Presentation given at the International Scientific Conference 'Our Common Future Under Climate Change'. 7-10 July 2015. Paris, France.) [url]
21.Assessing Integrated Climate Governance Strategies Beyond Two Degrees. An Agent-Based Transformative Framework Tàbara J.D., Mallampalli V., Borsuk M., Frantzeskaki N., Hölscher K., Grasso M., Jäger J., Lamperti, F. Lempert R., F. Lempert R., Roventini A., 2015. (Presentation given at the Transformation Conference. 4-7 October 2015. Stockholm, Sweden.)
20.Transformative Cooperation to Confront High-end Scenarios In Iberia. The Case of the Guadiana and Tagus River Basins F. Tàbara J.D. & Cots, 2015. (Poster accepted to the second European Climate Adaptation Conference. 12-14 May 2015. Copenhagen, Denmark.)
19.Opinió pública, comunicació del coneixement, i implicació cívica en canvi climàtic a Catalunya. (Climate Opinion, knowledge communication and civic engagement on climate change in Catalonia) J. D. Tàbara, 2015. (7a trobada del Grup d’Experts de Canvi Climàtic a Catalunya. 2-3 July 2015. Poblet, Tarragona, Catalonia.)
18. The Bond You Hold. Performing High-End climate Transformations. Galafassi D., Heras M., M. Winnerstram, Tàbara J.D., 2015. (Presentation given at the Transformation Conference. 4-7 October 2015. Stockholm, Sweden.) [url]
17.Catalonia beyond 2ºC Degrees. Towards and Integrated Research Program J.D. Tabara, 2014. (Opening speech at the Annual meeting of Catalan Expert on Climate Change, together with Tim O’Riordan. 26-27 June 2014. Lleida, Catalonia)
16.Global Systems Science beyond 2ºC Degrees. J. D. Tàbara, 2014. (European Conference on Complex Systems. Pisa; with Carlo C. Jaeger. 22- 26 Sept 2014)
15.Extreme transformability. Exploring systemic solutions to climate high-end scenarios (HES) in the Iberian Peninsula J. D. Tàbara, D. Mangalagiu, M. J. Cruz, J. & Harrison P. Jäger, 2014. (Poster presented at the Resilience 2014 Conference, May, Montpellier, France.)
14. The conditions of Sustainability Complexity, Social Learning and Integrated Climate Governance in a Warming World.. J. D. Tàbara, 2014. (XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology. Yokohama, Japan, 13-19 July.) [url]
13. Storytelling, global change and social-ecological systems resilience. From the integration of knowledge forms to the mobilisation of knowledge actors. J. D. & Heras J. D. Tàbara, 2014. (Resilience 2014 Conference, May. Montpellier, France) [url]
12. Global Systems Science. C. C. Jaeger, Van der Leeuw, J. D. Tàbara, 2014. (A trans-continental Conference. Main organiser, together with the EC services of the European event. 8-10 October, Brussels-EU, Lu’An-Beijing China, & Phoenix-Arizona.) [url]
11. Panel participation at the Art-&-Science session organised by Hentati-Sundberg J., on: “Students' perspectives on sustainability science research - are we moving towards un-disciplinarity?”. J. Fischer, J. D. Tàbara, F. Westley, 2014. (Resilience 2014 Conference, May. Montpellier, France.) [url]
10.A plenary talk J. D. Tàbara, 2013. (Global Ecoforum Barcelona, 22 October 2013)
9. A plenary talk on GSS. J. D. Tàbara, 2013. (the European Conference on Complex Systems in Barcelona (16-20 Sept 2013).) [url]
8. An online presentation on GSS and GSDP. J. D. Tàbara, 2013. (First Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation (Sept 8-13 2013, Canberra, Australia)) [url]
7.Following an invitation by by Karen O’Brian (Univ. Oslo) and Heide Hackman (Director or the Int. Social Science Council) I contributed to 2 sessions, 2013.
6. Organisation on Barcelona Conference on "Financial Risks, Green Growth and Jobs’".. J. David Tàbara, 2012. (Talk on "A Regional Approach to Green Economy and Climate Change. The case of Catalonia". All the presentations and the final Consolidated Report can be downloaded at the GSDP website:) [url]
5. Organised with Ilan Chabay and two sessions on Global Systems at the World Forum of Sociology in Buenos Aires, one on ‘Social learning for sustainability: Knowledge, democracy and justice’ and the other on ‘Governing global socio-ecological systems. J. David Tàbara, Ilan Chabay, 2012. (main presentation is available at the GSDP website:) [url]
4.Speak on the ‘Cultural Limits to Sustainability’ at the 2012 Balaton Group meeting with the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Meadows Report Limits to Growth report., 2012. (Balaton, Hungary 19th – 25th September)
3. participation at the workshop organised the German National Committee on Global Change Research (NKGCF-ESSP-ISSC-ICSU) joint workshop on integrated global change research. This Workshop outcomes will feed into the design of the 10-year research initiative., 2012. (currently being developed by the ISSC, ICSU and the Belmont Forum, together with UNU, UNEP, UNESCO and WMO ( [url]
2. organisation of an open science meeting run by the Group of Catalan Experts on Climate Change and the Catalan Council on Sustainable Development., 2012. (a presentation that included references both to the M30 and GSDP project. Lleida, 28-29th June, Catalonia) [url]
1. everal GSDP sessions and participated as a co-author to one presentation of the London Planet under Pressure conference. List of GSDP presentations and contributions have already been updated in the GSDP website., 2012. (March 26-29th:) [url]